Saturday, 18 August 2012

Photos of last day at GCU for class of 2012

A proud farewell to all our final year mental health nursing students. Photos now available to view. You are a great bunch, each with a promising career ahead of you. Looking forward to seeing you at graduation!!

Monday, 13 August 2012

Student Good Causes Fundraising Committee

GCU Mental Health Nursing Students have met and agreed to form a 'good causes' fundraising committee. Students have nominated Alzheimer Scotland's Football Reminiscence Hub at Hampden Park as its first 'Good Cause.' Student committee members are Emma Pollock, Lorna Gillies, Kimberley Currie, Katie Davis, Jennifer Love and Karen Dunabie. The committee will be seeking representation from the 2013 intake in September and will shortly be setting up a 'Just Giving' Site.